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    Denpasar students represent Bali in the 2019 women's election talent search event

    Minggu, 30 Juni 2019, 19:02 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-27T15:49:28Z

    BERITA SOLO  - The achievements of Denpasar students again took part in the National event. This time came from Anggelina Vedora (11 years) who will be preparing to take part in the final selection of the Indonesian Little Princess talent selection in 2019.

    Anggelina Vedora, who has participated in the selection from the level of Denpasar City, managed to qualify at the Bali Provincial Level and at the same time represented Bali in the Indonesian Little Princess election in 2019.

    This was revealed when Anggelina Vedora was accompanied by her parents, Desi Mewengkang met and asked for blessing with the Mayor of Denpasar, Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, Friday (6/28) in Denpasar.

    Desi Mewangkang admitted that she did not expect from her perseverance and success to take part in this Little Princess election competition. until the time Anggelina Vedora escaped representing Bali at the National Princess election at the National level.

    "The plan, Anggelina will depart from Bali to Jakarta on July 3 and follow the quarantine and aptitude tests from July 4-8 in Jakarta," Desi said.

    The beginning of his favorite with the world of modeling and Balinese dancing, Anggelina who currently sits in the 6th grade of SD Saraswati I Denpasar was able to show her achievements to take part in this Little Princess event.

    "Little Princess as an election held by the Ministry of Tourism to carry out tourism promotions with almost the same goals as Putri Indonesia," he said.

    While the Mayor of Rai Mantra appreciated the achievements achieved by Anggelina to represent Bali in the National election event.

    "Congratulations and success in participating in the National Princess election at the National level," said Rai Mantra.

     - Indah Sulistiya 



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