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    The Role of Women Muhammadiyah in Clean Environmental Conservation

    Sabtu, 06 Juli 2019, 11:29 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-30T15:51:10Z
    The Role of Women in Clean Environmental Conservation

    BERITA SOLO - Muhammadiyah tries to synergize the role of Muhammadiyah women in tackling disasters through clean environmental preservation.

    The program of the role of Muhammadiyah women was held through a workshop entitled "Environmental Conservation and Ready to Welcome" on Saturday (5/7).

    Present as presenters, Agung as Chair of the Central Java DLHK (Environmental and Forestry Service) and Rahmawati Husein as Deputy Chair of MDMC (Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center).

    This workshop aims to prepare women in tackling disasters and being able to engage in disaster response.

    "Women become the main impact as well as components or elements of extraordinary capacity to reduce disaster risk and also save the environment and handle disasters in general," said Rahmawati Husein.

    So according to him, the role of women ‘Aisyiyah is expected to understand the importance of environmental management.

    "Environmental saving can reduce disaster risk, because 80% of the disasters in Indonesia are related to hydromitological disasters which are related to climate such as rain, landslides and this can be pursued through environmental conservation then correct land use management then garbage cleaning, and alert to disasters - the disaster, "he said.

    In realizing clean environmental preservation, the Forestry Environment Service has made several programs that have been implemented. The program includes providing various solutions to all kinds of environmental problems, providing appeals regarding waste disposal and caring for the environment, providing plant seeds, garbage carts, composter and waste processing machines. Physical assistance such as garbage banks and equipment, TPS3R and TPS3T.

    Editor: Siti Mutmainnah
    Source: Azza



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