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    Kostrad soldier pilgrimage to the tomb of the hero park in Magelang

    Kamis, 27 Juni 2019, 13:25 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-20T15:09:49Z

    BERITA SOLO  - Regarding the 57th Anniversary of Yonarmed 11 / Divif 2 Kostrad based in Gelangan, Central Magelang District, Magelang City, Central Java, made a pilgrimage to the Darmaloyo Magelang Self Heroes Cemetery, on Wednesday (6/26/2019).

    The pilgrimage was led directly by Danyonarmed 11 Kostrad, Lt. Col. Arm Asep Ridwan along with Chair Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana (KCK) Branch 3 Yonarmed 11 Branch XXIII Koorcab Divif 2 PG Kostrad. Accompanied by officers and members of each Yonarmed 11 Kostrad personnel.

    The ceremony begins with respect to the spirits of the heroes, a moment of silence, followed by laying a wreath and the last sowing flowers.

    Danyonarmed 11 Kostrad, Lt. Col. Arm Asep Ridwan conveyed, the pilgrimage to the tomb of the hero as a form of respect for Menarmed 1 Kostrad soldiers to the heroes who had fallen for the glory and independence of this nation.

    "We pray that the fighters' deeds will be accepted by God Almighty," said the Danyon.

    Danyon further conveyed, "As the next generation of our nation, all soldiers of Divif 2 Kostrad must fulfill the independence initiated by heroes with real work, professionals, thinking and doing the best according to Kostrad's Motto," he added. (Margiono)



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