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    Support Linmas, Babinsa Village Tipes Give Refresher Material

    Senin, 08 Juli 2019, 22:18 WIB Last Updated 2020-07-03T18:42:59Z

    BERITA SOLO  - Bintara Pembina Desa (BABINSA) village of Tipes Koramil 03 / Serengan, Kodim 0735 / Surakarta Serka Sugiyono and Sertu Sarmin who synergized with Satpol PP (Heri S) and Bhabinkamtibmas (Brigadier Anton) gave briefings and refreshments to Linmas members in Tipes village, at the Kelurahan pavilion Tipes Jl.Cokrobaskoro III No.13 Rt 02 Rw V. Serengan Surakarta City, this day. (July 8, 2019).

    This activity aims to improve the capacity, skills and abilities of members of the Community Protection Unit in carrying out their duties and to understand what their main tasks and functions are as members of the Community Service.

    Linmas is one of the protectors and protectors of the community that are attached to 24 hours. They are not only uniformed groups that only look after people, but are people who truly benefit society.

    "For this reason, they need provision of capacity building training, said Hari S (Head of Community Development Potential).

    The technique of the refresher exercise of the role of the Community Protection was carried out regularly. The members of the Linmas were trained in the form of marching basic exercises, exercises on caring for everything in the village and debriefing of the Law on Community Protection materials, Serka Sugiyono said.

    Sertu Sarmin conveyed that the Community Protection was also tasked with carrying out community protection in the context of overcoming and handling refugees, assisting government officials in maintaining security, peace and public order, as well as helping community social activities in the community, if carried out together and synergized with Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas and with the Lurah.

    "With this refresher exercise, it is expected that all members of the Community Protection Team in Tipes can work sincerely indiscriminately by protecting the people in the target area," said Sertu Sarmin.

    - Agus/ Darmawan Jr



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