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    UKSW Holds Agricultural Facilitator Competency Test

    Jumat, 28 Juni 2019, 15:10 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-26T06:35:54Z

    BERITA SOLO - Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW) Salatiga through the Agriculture and Business Faculty (FPB) held a Competency Test for Facilitators in the Field of Plant Organic Agriculture at the UKSW Campus, Jl. Kartini, Salatiga, Thursday (6/27/2019).

    The SWCU Vice Rector I, Iwan Setyawan, said that the activity was the result of UKSW FPB cooperation with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) and the Organic Agriculture Professional Certification Institute (LSPPO). The Competency Test conducted by LSPPO was chaired by I Nyoman Oka Tridjaja accompanied by three assessors, namely Agus Yulianto, Sri Bintang Kusumo Winahyu, and Pamela Fadhilah.

    The coordinator of the implementation of the competency test, Lasmono Tri Sunaryo, said that the first competency test held by UKSW FPB was attended by 45 participants consisting of 40 S1 and S2 students, two alumni and three UKSW FPB assistants.

    Participants have previously obtained debriefing and have qualifications in the fields of Organic Agriculture, Integrated Agriculture and Sustainable Agriculture or have been involved in the field of Organic Agriculture.

    "This competency test is held for three days, beginning with verification of administrative completeness and explanation of the technical implementation, then on the second day the participants carry out written examinations, interviews and practice tests for making organic fertilizers and organic pesticides," Lasmono said.

    The test results, he explained, would be formulated by assessors to make final conclusions, whether the test participants were competent or not yet competent. If the test value shows the competent participant, then the participant has the right to get the Competency Certificate as Organic Agriculture Facilitator.

    Lasmono said that this competency test needs to be held so that graduates can compete with foreign workers. According to him, the year 2020 will be the highest peak of the entry of foreign workers into Indonesia, therefore prospective graduates need to be equipped with a certificate of special expertise so as not to lose competitiveness.

    In the future, he hopes that FPB UKSW can independently organize facilitator competency tests in agriculture. (Darmawan Jr)



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