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    Enang helps farmers to be self-sufficient in food

    Kamis, 27 Juni 2019, 14:14 WIB Last Updated 2020-06-20T15:11:54Z

    BERITA SOLO  - Management of Koramil 23 / Langsa Timur, Kodim 0104 / East Aceh Enang Abdul Munib assisted farmers by planting rice owned by Mrs. Hasnah to succeed national food self-sufficiency which was located in Alue Merbau Village, Langsa Timur District, Langsa City, Thursday (06-26-2019) .

    In addition to the success of national food self-sufficiency, Enang as the administrator also always gives motivation to farmers to cultivate land, as well as monitoring the work of farmers in cultivating rice fields in the area in Alue Merbau Village.

    In carrying out the tasks of the Enang Regional Secretariat, it also helps the community in the area according to their abilities, so that the rice planting process can be done well so as to produce good quality rice.

    To journalists Serda Enang said that, the role of Babinsa in activities will increase the spirit of farmers in their work.

    "Efforts like this are carried out by officials to make food self-sufficiency successful in Indonesia," he said.

    "Babinsa has always been the spearhead in all activities, especially in mentoring in food self-sufficiency programs. "The existence of Babinsa is a driving force for development progress for the welfare of the community," he said.

    The activity he carried out was a direct order from the Commander of District Military Command 0104 / Atim Lieutenant Colonel Inf Muhammad Iqbal Lubis to assist the government in the field of food self-sufficiency. (MJ)



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